I was sent a wonderful Elizabeth Gilbert quote today, which I had to share:
"The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way because shit went wrong and they handled it.
They handled it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it.
Those women are my superheroes."
And those women are my superheroes too. And those women are you. Because if you are fighting an addiction, then you are handling it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days.
It's really easy to feel angry at the cards that you've been dealt, to tell yourself it's not fair. Because it isn't fair.
I have spent many an evening glaring secretly at Mr SM as he sips his large glass of wine, then puts the bottle back in the fridge without feeling the need to finish it. How can he do that?
But the truth is that dealing with your addiction and coming out the other side will make you a superhero.
You'll discover a strength you never knew you had. I'm not entirely sure about 'grace.' I still don't feel terribly graceful, but I'm not going to argue with Elizabeth Gilbert.
You'll find that you like yourself again, and you like other people more, because you realise that beneath all the messiness of relationships and friendships, they're dealing with shit that's going wrong too.
It'll make you brave. Because once you've faced your fears and your demons and won, you'll realise that you can do it again and again. Next time shit goes wrong, (and it will at some point), you'll know exactly how to deal with it.
But the problem is that we often keep all the stuff we're dealing with quiet, because we're ashamed, because we don't want to put a downer on the conversation, or because we don't think people will understand. I didn't tell most people I'd quit drinking for years.
So, as a result, no-one tells you how strong and brave and extraordinary you are.
So I'm going to. Listen up, because this is important.
Be proud of yourself. Stick your face on that picture of Wonder Woman and put it on the fridge so you can remind yourself every day what a hero you are.
There's lots more information and inspiration on the SoberMummy Facebook page: click here ('like' page to stay updated)
To listen to my TEDx talk on Making Sober Less Shameful click here.
Love to all you superheroes,
SM x