
Saturday 29 December 2018

One Year of The Sober Diaries

I can't quite believe that it's exactly a year since The Sober Diaries was published.

I wrote this book because I remembered how alone I felt when I was struggling with my drinking. I thought that, in a world where everyone drank, and where my social media feed was filled with wine memes, I was the only person who couldn't handle it.

Somewhere along the line, I'd gone from being someone who controlled her booze, to someone who was being controlled by it.

I read a huge number of books, looking for someone just like me. Most of the - often brilliant - memoirs I read focussed on the horrors of addiction. Some of the stories I identified with, but many I didn't. Then, right at the end of the story, the narrator would say 'and then I got sober and everything was brilliant.'

I really wanted a story that started there, where those stories ended. I wanted a story which went through all the details of how you got sober, and what life was actually like when you did. Was it miserable, as I suspected it would be?

So, a year after I quit drinking, I started writing the book I'd really wanted to read. A year later my fabulous editor - Charlotte Hardman at Hodder and Stoughton - picked up my proposal and took a huge leap of faith.

For three nights leading up to publication, I didn't sleep. I'd written my blog under a pseudonym - SoberMummy - as I was so ashamed about my drinking, and yet I was about to tell the whole world my darkest secrets under my actual name. Was I crazy?

But the truth is, the last twelve months have been extraordinary. I've had one or two trolls, obviously, but they've been drowned out by the tsunami of messages I've had from people all over the world saying I thought I was alone until I read your story and you could be writing about my life and now I know that life can be different. Better. Amazing. 

And that gave me the courage to do a TEDx talk on the shame associated with drinking. (click here), and a talk at WOMAD for Radio 4 on the miracles that happen when you quit drinking (click here). And I feel like, I hope that, I'm making a difference.

So, I just wanted to say to all of you, a huge THANK YOU, for all your support over the last 12 months, and CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who've made a difference to your lives, however big or small. You are all superheroes.

And to celebrate 12 months of publication, the new paperback edition of The Sober Diaries is out now in the UK (click here). If you're in the USA, I'm afraid it's still only available in Kindle and Audio (click here).

Merry Christmas and THANK YOU to you all!

SM x


  1. Congratulations to you Clare, I can't believe it was about a year ago that I heard you on radio 2 and something clicked. And yes, I thought you could be talking about my life. I bought your book and haven't looked back since and I am looking forward to your next novel!!
    Sending heaps of love and luck to you all xx

    1. You have done so brilliantly Meggie! You're a total superstar xxx

  2. WooHoo! Best sober book available!

    Happy New Year

  3. Happy Bookaversary - it was a game changer for me. Thank you so much x

    1. Happy New Year Sally! And thanks for introducing me to a great new word - Bookaversary ;-)

  4. Ï read your book in the summer vacation somewhere in the Haute Marne, France. It helped me to decide it was time. Now I'm nearly five months sober. Thanks a million for your blog and book. Happy New Year. Xxx

    1. Whoop whoop! Huge congrats and Happy New Year to you!

  5. HUGE congratulations Clare. I found you on Soberistas, loved your contributions and support, started following your blog and managed to quit alcohol myself Christmas 2015. Pre-ordered your book, read it in 2 days, have raved and recommended it and together with Lucy Rocca, credit you two for helping me find my own path to Sobriety. I almost can't believe your book's been out a year. Delighted for you and look forward to continuing to follow your journey, as I am LOVING the ride x

    1. Thank you SO much for all your support and enthusiasm! xxx

  6. Congratulations to you Clare.
    You have started a revolution against the only legal drug we are actively encouraged to take and the only one where we have to explain why we don't want to.
    I look at my 14 year old twins and know that they will make mistakes in the future, but I genuinely hope and pray that they won't throw away their youth on drinking like I did.
    Thanks for writing such a positive and uplifting book about life after drink.
    We can all do it if de want to .

    1. My eldest is 15 now, and her generation do seem to think that booze is less cool than we did. I'm sure they'll all make some mistakes though! I guess that's life... Huge hugs to you xxx

  7. MASSIVE congratulations to you Clare. Your book was the biggest wake up call ever for me and without it, doubt I'd have made it. I was at rock bottom with my intake and seeing your story in the papers talking about your life and your new book was the lifeline I desperately needed. To top it, your book was published on my birthday so I knew it was sign to get my life back. I celebrate one year sober on 1 Jan 2019 and I can't quite believe I've done it. Your book and this blog has saved me from dreadful clutches of the wine witch and the booze itself. You truly are a wonderful lady. All the very best to you and everyone for 2019. Big hugs Jacqueline xxx

    1. BIG congratulations to you Jacqueline, one year sober today, WOOHOO, you rock babe!! And thank you for everything, you are a star.
      Sending you heaps of love and strength, Meggie x x x

    2. Ah thank you Meggie!!! You are the best and have well and truly been on this journey with me!! I can't quite believe I've now done one year. A reminder that anything is possible if you really want it. Thanks so much. Heaps of love J xxx

    3. Yay! Happy Soberversary to you Jacqueline! You are a SUPERHERO! You should be so proud of yourself. Huge hugs xxx

  8. And what a success it has been! I wonder how many individuals it has reached and helped .... More than you could ever imagine I would guess .... Congratulations and Thank you!! Happy, Healthy and Free New Year xx

  9. Congratulations, Clare! You have kickstarted a much-needed literary genre: the joyful sobriety memoire.

    "The Sober Diaries" was one of three books* that genuinely helped me get going on this journey in 2018 (and I probably plowed through a dozen recovery-related titles). Last week I passed the 100-day milestone, and I can honestly say that I have fully embraced this new, alcohol-free normal, and have never been more content, alert and energetic. There is no going back, only forward, and I am celebrating this growth with the new confidence that in 2019, I am ready and able to be free of my secondary demon: sugar.

    I wish you and yours the happiest and healthiest of 2019. Thanks for all you do to buoy this growing community.

    *In case anyone is interested, the other two books that really resonated with me are "Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol" by Ann Dowsett Johnson and "Nothing Good Can Come From This" by Kristi Coulter.

    1. Yay! Huge congrats on 100 days! It keeps getting better and better, just you wait... xxx

  10. You gave me hope again. Thank you.

    1. There is more than hope, Queue. There is joy, and freedom and self respect. I promise xxx

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I am reading your book at the moment. Looking for inspiration and the motivation to give up alcohol for good too. But I have also started my own blog and your blog has been my guide as to what to do and how to set it up. Congratulations on all your successes.

  13. Clare, I've just finished reading your book and absolutely loved it! I'm a year alcohol free and have read quite a few similar books - but yours stands out. The humour and honesty was wonderful - lots of laugh out loud moments - thanks!

  14. I thought I had written a comment but it appears to have disappeared into cyber ether! I have just read your book in a matter of a couple of days and I loved it - could totally relate to do much of what you wrote and loved your turn of phrase. I’m 100 days AF today and after a recent bumpy patch ( feeling flat, a bit mis and a bit of Fomo at Christmas) I’m feeling good again and found strength & hope in your writing- the way you dealt with your BC diagnosis without tumbling back into the bottle gave me great hope for myself for the potholes in the road ahead! A couple of years ago my 40 yr old husband had bowel cancer, which thankfully was caught really early but gave all of us a big fright ( my 3rd son was only 18 months at the time) I drank through the whole frightening episode and since becoming sober I’ve worried about how I would cope with similar challenges in the future- your strength to stay sober throughout a difficult time was inspiring- it’s always good to have someone who’s been there , done that, bought the t- shirt and come out kicking butt , to be able to look to for encouragement- thanks for your insight and for sharing your story- it is a gift - wishing you all the very best for a happy & healthy 2019 - Caz

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  16. Thank you so much for your wonderful book, I've read it in a few days time and am now at day 15 of my sobriety. Yesterday, at a dinner party, I really only managed because of what I read in your book, as I was the only sober one with 7 people getting more ande more drunk around me. One of the guests kept on talking about me not drinking and how she just needed that glass of wine getting home after a days work and that there was absolutely no harm in it. At first it annoyed me, but then I recognised that she was just irritated, because she damn well knows that she drinks too much to, and me going sober was confronting her with that. Drinking in the Netherlands is a really big problem too, I think.

  17. Congratulations Clare on your amazing book. I only recently come across it, I am half way through (day 162). I'm alcohol/fag free 80 days today and like yourself gave it up for exactly the same reasons. Reading your story helps me feel im not alone. Your such an inspiration so can't wait to get settled down tonight to read some more x

  18. I just finished your book in a few days. It's really helped with the social situations I've had this month and I've been reading to my husband as well. I am doing Dry January (for real) and am really considering a dry 2019.

  19. Hi Clare
    Another 'first'for me.....I've read the same book twice!

    Wish my wife would read it and join 'the club'!


    Rob x

  20. Congratulations and thank you for the other recommendations. I'm trying to read everything I can lay my hands on at the moment xxx

  21. Your book honestly changed my life. I couldn't see myself in the memoirs that described rock bottoms that included jail, narcotics and dangerous lifestyles. I'm just an every day mum, that seemed to have her shit together, but was secretly downing 1-2 bottles wine most nights.

    I saw myself in your book and once I started I couldn't put it down. I'm one month away from my sober anniversary and have just purchased a hard copy to re-read and highlight passages that will remind me that moderation isn't an option for people like me. I'm already a pickle, it's too late to be a cucumber now!

    Thank you thank you thank you.

  22. I keep listening to your book as I run usually or mow the lawn in the summer. But this morning I was running and your chapter about road blocks and being in the field and going to a new one is so great. About starting over being the hardest part. I just love your book. I love having it in audio so I can listen anytime I want.

  23. I bought this book a month ago because although I knew something had to change, I had found a lump in my breast and decided that drinking and denial was the way forward. I had a binge last Wednesday and was so ill. It was time. I picked your book up and binged on that instead. So inspiring. So me. The wine witch. The self medicating.
    I was smacked in the face with emotion when I read about your breast cancer.
    I'm now 8 days sober and have an emergency appointment at the breast clinic on Monday to have my lump checked.
    It was the universe that brought me to your book. Thank you ever so much for sharing your journey.

  24. Clare,

    I am currently listening to your book for the second time. The first time I listened to it right after beginning my sober journey. I can honestly say it is what helped me find success this time around. I am Ow coming up on a year without a drink on the 11th of August (HOORAY!) and your words ring even more true to me than ever.

    This year has been one of the hardest of my life. I finally had the guts to leave a job I hated, got a great new job that allowed me to have more time at home with my family, do plenty of yoga (my happy place) and listen to lots of books. Exactly 91 days after I started my job I was assaulted on the street while at work and ended up with a blown out orbital floor and broken nose requiring a facial reconstruction. Needless to say along with that, I acquired some PTSD and many times I was so overwhelmed, I wanted to drink. But remembering your words, I knew it would only make it worse. I didnt drink, and even found I was able to be compassionate for the very sick young man that attacked me.
    I started volunteering at a homeless shelter for women and children. Slowly but surely i am recovering in mind body and spirit and I recently found out that I am going to be a grandmother.

    This was actually something that could have gone terribly wrong had I been drinking. My child is young but because I am calm and clear headed now, I know that I will be a GREAT grandma.

    Thank you, Clare. Thank you for inspiring me to be the strong sober mommy I knew I should be. Namaste my friend. Thanks for everything.

  25. Gagging-on-Gewurztraminer18 October 2019 at 09:57

    I'm currently listening to your book on audible. I swear the words you wrote could be ME. Your opinions of mummy wine culture and your experiences with beginning to avoid people and losing your wit and charm to drink are exactly what I'm experiencing. The loss of sleep, panic, weight gain, drinking alone... I started my sober diary last night. I want to live my life and love my kids. No more whining and exhaustion, hang overs and prioritizing the expense of wine over fun outings with my kids. I'm over it. Thank you, clare.

  26. Appreciating the commitment you put into your site and detailed information you offer. It's great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn't the same old rehashed material. Great read! I've saved your site and I'm adding your RSS feeds to my Google account. homewares wall art

  27. I have just this minute finished this book on audible. Purchased as support to help me get tee total. Listening to your story resonated so many times with me! So inspiring to know that it’s not just me! You have made me determined now to mark my 100th day in the the calendar and take each day at a time! Thank you x
