
Wednesday, 26 December 2018

5 Reasons to Love December 26th

There are two days of the year when it is really really good to be a sober person.

The first is New Year's Day (coming up soon folks!), and a close second is Boxing Day, December 26th, TODAY.

Here's why:

1. Because you are a Superhero!

If you made it through Christmas Day without drinking, then you are a total superhero. 

Being sober in a world where everyone drinks is always a bit hard, but no more so than on Christmas Day, a day when you are drowning in memories of drunken Christmas past, when you're surrounded by friends and family urging you to 'go on, just have one,' and where every image on TV, social media and press includes a bottle of something strong.

If you can make it through the 25th December sober, then you can do absolutely anything, my friend. So give yourself a HUGE pat on the back.

2. It's Never Going to be That Hard Again

The 'firsts' are always the hardest. First weekend sober, first party sober, first sober birthday and, possibly the hardest: first sober Christmas.

Now you know you can do it, and even - I hope - really enjoy it, so next year is going to be so much easier. 

By the time you're on sober Christmas number 4, like me, you'll be anticipating and loving Christmas more than you ever did when you were drinking.

3. No Regrets

Remember how you used to feel on December 26th? Hungover. Annoyed with yourself for drinking more than you meant to. Exhausted because you tossed and turned all night. Embarrassed about what you'd said and done the day before?

Well today you get to wake up with no regrets and bags of energy. Whoop whoop.

Having said that, I may never be able to eat again, and I am definitely giving up sugar in January, as I think I've eaten a whole year's worth in just a few days. I'm calling it Savoury January.

4. (*whisper it*) Feeling Smug

Remember all those Christmas parties, when you felt like people were feeling a bit sorry for you? Well, this is payback time.

Most of the world is feeling rather bleurgh, and you get to feel smug. Just a little bit. And quietly, obviously, as no-one likes a smug-face. But too bad, because you get to be one. Congratulations!

5. The Best Present Ever

Often, on Boxing Day, you have a sneaking feeling that at least some of the presents you gave missed the mark, just a little.

(For example, I bought two copies of Frieda, a fabulous book written by a friend of mine, who signed one copy for me and one for my dad. I accidentally mixed up the two books, and gave the copy addressed to me to my dad as one of his Christmas presents, and now it looks as if I re-gifted it!)

However, there is no better present that you can give your family, or yourself, for Christmas than being sober. So this year, you smashed it, my friends.

Please let us know in the comments below how your Christmas was! And, if you didn't make it through the day without drinking, then do not despair! You are not alone. Just climb back on that wagon, forgive yourself, and start again.

The book on my first year sober - The Sober Diaries, has now had more than 250 five star reviews on Amazon, whoop whoop, and is out IN PAPERBACK tomorrow! You can find it here.

(In the USA it's available in audio and Kindle, here).

There's daily inspiration and information on the SoberMummy Facebook page, as always.

Love to you all!

SM x


  1. My first sober Christmas. A quieter day than the norm with just me, my parter and his parents. Made immeasurably easier by their unwavering support. The only reason I'm not feeling fresh this morning is because I have a cold! But I am awake! Compared to last year where Boxing Day was a massive hangover and three quarters of the day spent in bed!

    Thank you for writing your blog and book. You've been a huge support to me this year in your writing. You're an incredible person.

    164 days today.

    1. No, YOU are an incredible person! Merry Christmas and huge congrats to you! xxx

  2. Yesterday was my first sober Christmas and 120 days sober in total. Just the kids, me and my husband, who is also not drinking for most of the time, so it was much easier than with lots of people quaffing all over the place. We did cane it a bit on the nosecco and AF wine ;), he he!
    We had a lovely time, played lots of board games, laughed 'till our sides ached, didn't fall into a stupor after lunch and today we feel great.
    There was a moment when I felt almost overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you Claire. You have been a major inspiration for this hugely positive change in my life.
    Jo x

    1. So thrilled for you Jo! Congratulations! I actually polished off 3/4 of a bottle of AF Prosecco and 3/4 bottle of AF red wine, ha ha! xxx

  3. Hi Clare, thanks for this post, it's just what I need right now. Well I survived my first sober Christmas but it was harder than I thought. I am on day 250ish and have been loving life and was really looking forward to my first sober Christmas but I had mixed feelings on the day, the wine witch reared her ugly head and I did feel I was missing out but I hung on in there for dear life! I was perhaps a bit more irritable and on edge than usual but at least I wasn't drunk. And yes, today I am feeling very smug and hangover free so it was all worth it and I'm sure it will get easier every year. Bring on New Year's eve, wine witch I'm ready for you this time!
    Good luck everyone and yes, we really are superheroes!!
    Love to you Clare and to my superhero friend Jacqueline who has also been there for me through all this, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Happy Boxing Day everyone and I hope you are all having a lovely time, Meggie xxx

    1. Hello lovely Meggie! Huge congrats to you! Next year will be way easier, I promise! Huge hugs to you and Jacqueline! xxx

    2. Big hugs to you both too. Jacqueline xxx

  4. Ps it's great to have you back Clare, we do need you and appreciate everything lots!! x

    1. sorry for being away for a bit!

    2. Thank you Meggie you superstar!!! You have been a rock for me and so have you Clare. This Christmas was fab!! And SOBER!! drank loads of AF fizz but I can live with that. This time last year I was hungover and a mess. What a difference a year makes, in so many ways. A journey of discovery is an understatement. Meggie, what you have achieved is fantastic. Behind you all the way. Here's to 2019!!! Heaps of love Jacqueline xxx

  5. Thank you SM, you and your followers are a massive inspiration to someone like me who has had a long unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Christmas Day was day 50 AF for 100 is my next target and amazingly, it's starting to feel achievable; never thought I'd say that 51 days ago, M X

    1. Yay! Huge congrats to you! Keep on going! You've done the hardest bit now, and it keeps getting better! xxx

  6. Yesterday was my first sober Christmas!! To say I feel exhilarated would be an understatement! I feel reborn! Yesterday I didn't miss or want alcohol (even Bailey's) At my work's Christmas party I danced til the end then drove home! I try not to be smug but sometimes I can't help it! Thank you again for the inspiration and your posts which keep me going . I also have a sober friend, Angie, who supports me, so I am not alone on my journey! Much love to you and all sober warrior's out there!! We've got this!!! Xxx

  7. Dear Clare
    My friend, Ange, told me about your book, blog and story!
    I was so inspired to copy and follow my friend that I decided to not wait until after X-mas or NY (like I do every year) to stop drinking and today is day 6 for me!
    Had to try something different this year, and “whisper voice”... I think I’ve got this... “Vat so Nuwejaar”
    A long road ahead, but with support anything is possible!
    It makes it easier to know that I am not alone!!
    Thank you SM��‍♀️��

    1. YAY! You are SO not alone! Huge congrats and Merry Christmas to you! xxx

  8. Thank you for this! I kinda needed it today! First sober Christmas yesterday and it was HARD! Not so much early on but towards the end I felt like I was on a different planet to everyone. It was family, we're very close, my little sis had her first sober Christmas too so it should've been cool but at the end of was so difficult. So I bailed. And very quickly, to a few shocked looks. I felt rubbish when I got home and not proud or anything. Just pissed off. For reasons I can't even describe but today I DO feel like a super hero! I bloody well did it! Thanks for this blog, your words have always helped and resonated with me. Here's to many more sober Christmases in the future! X

    1. Hi Ian! Please don't feel bad about bailing! Sometimes that's the very best thing to do! And you ARE a superhero! And next year it will be MUCH EASIER! WELL DONE TO YOU! xxx

    2. Thank you! Happy New Year! (Ahem...Did that sober as well) Xx

  9. First sober Xmas, a little tougher than I thought it woukd be, in places. Somewhere in the 200+ day mark, btw. It was a quiet one, just me, hubs, and our boys, so no real pressure to drink (memories of last year and the astonishing amount I managed to imbibe popped up periodically). For the first time in ages, the wine witch popped up, surprise! Still, I managed to ignore ir move past the couple of times she did, and am feeling good this morning. Thanks for this post! I needed it.

    1. Merry Christmas and HUGE CONGRATS to you Joanna!

  10. SM thank you for this post as I too needed to read it. You have been such an inspiration to so many, you have no idea. I devoured your book at the onset of my sober journey.This was my first sober Christmas also. I'll be honest, the wine witch was sitting on my shoulder taunting me, but I knocked her off! I laughed this morning as I was thinking about yesterday, I danced with my grandkids, knocked a plate rack off the wall, and broke a plate and I did it SOBER! And this morning I woke up with a headache as I think I'm getting a sinus infection, but not a hangerover headeache! And I too feel a little smug! :-) Again, thank you for all you are doing to help so many of us on our sober journeys. I'm almost to a year!!

    1. YAY! You are AWESOME! Dancing and breaking plates sober is a superpower. Respect. xxx

  11. 359 sober days. Celebrating 1 year on new years day. Christmas day was hard. Much harder than i thought it would be and today hasn't been much easier. Kids growing up doesnt help. I want my young family back. When they used to stay home and not go off to their friends at the first opportunity. But hey go. I still made it through and I don't give in now. And I have no regrets from yesterday.

    1. I hope you're feeling happier today! Next year will be much easier, and you should be SO proud of yourself. Bet your kids are proud of you too xxx

  12. I'm on day #241, so I wasn't really expecting Christmas to be too much of a challenge. I was wrong! I missed the Bailey's with breakfast, I missed the wine while I was getting ready to go to my daughter's, and later in the day when things were feeling a bit stressful, I really missed that lovely sensation of being in a wine haze. The good thing though is I never for one moment thought of giving in and having a glass. I could have. I've kept 6 bottles in the basement, just to prove to myself that I can ignore it. I've come too far to mess it up now. I was pretty hard on myself for all the sugary junk I ate yesterday, but it's nothing like the remorse I'd be feeling if I'd given in to the wine witch! Many of you have said this, and it's the absolute truth. I wouldn't be where I am right now without Clare's book and blog. Thank you!

    1. WELL DONE Tracie! You are a superhero. I ate loads of sugary junk too, but we have to leave ourselves some vices ;-) Big hugs to you xxx

  13. I was unbelievably grateful yesterday that I was 148 days sober as my poor old Dad is in hospital at the moment and in the past my utter selfishness fuelled by alcohol would have meant that I absolutely would not have wanted to visit him as it would have meant not drinking as I needed to drive. But for the new sober me it was a non-issue and I was able to make an old man very happy on Christmas Day. It's good to know you guys are all out there. Happy Sober Boxing Day ��

    1. I'm so happy for you and your Dad. I hope he gets better soon xxx

  14. This is my second sober Christmas. Last year I was only 6 weeks into being AF, and Christmas was tough. This year was a breeze. I don’t intend to let my guard down because I know the wine witch never sleeps, but I feel relieved knowing that I don’t have to white knuckle it through every holiday for the rest of my life. Thank you for your book. It made a huge difference in my life! And so do your ongoing posts. Bless you, Clare. Happy 2019!

    1. Merry Christmas! I'm so pleased this year was easier! xxx

  15. Hi SM This is my first ever alcohol free Xmas. I am due a Mastectomy on 3rd Jan for BC so reading your book at this time couldn't be any better!! Am a Mum & your book resonates with me..Love it. Also am loving being AF day 26 for me xx

    1. I'm so sorry about your breast cancer. It's a bugger. I can promise you though, that dealing with it alcohol free is actually way easier than coping when drunk/hungover, and one day it will all seem like a bad dream. I'm 3 years cancer free now, and all I'm left with is massive gratitude. Love and strength to you xxx

  16. Hi everyone
    It has been my first sober Xmas too and I felt very strange.I half expected to give in and go for a well deserved glass of something or other, but thankfully I didn't.
    Today I am delighted but also exhausted.
    This time last year I was toying with the idea of giving up alcohol. Now nearly a full year later, here I am, fit, sober and healthy.
    However I know I could not have done this without Clare's book or guidance
    From my heart, thank you. 2 smell World that convoy my endless gratitude

    1. I absolutely hate autotext
      2 small words that convey my endless gratitude

    2. YAY! So thrilled for you! I actually liked the 'smell words.' !!! xxx

  17. Happy Boxing Day, Clare! Here in the USA I had to explain what Boxing Day was several times to various folk throughout the day, lol. Anyway, I'm happy to report that this year was my first sober Christmas in probably a decade. I'm so chuffed! Next month will be one whole year which still astounds me. Thank you so much for writing and inspiring the rest of us. Wishing everyone a happy and sober New Year! :) xx

  18. 3rd one, Clare, after binge-reading your blog in January 2016 when I was newly sober. I have to admit, it's still not my favourite time of year - but I enjoy it a lot more sober than I did hungover. Thank you again, and best wishes for 2019 x

  19. I am sooo proud to be a SUPERHERO! Thanks Clare! I still feel I am in a sort of dream because I made it through my first Christmas without alcohol! I stopped drinking alcohol January 1st 2018 and after 5 months was fed up and felt I was in control and able to handle drinking less... uhuh.... I suffered 4 months of trying to drink moderately and after a 4 days in a row of drinking out of control, decided to stop (again). That was September 30, 2018 so am now on days counting (DAY 89) and very much in control of my life. Thank you Clare, for your book and blogs and advice about alternative blogs. They keep me going! X SUPERHERO

    1. YAY! Huge congrats to you! Quitting altogether really is so much easier than trying to moderate, isn't it? xxx

  20. How absolutely fantastic to read the above comments .... What a great tribe to be part of ... Thank you Clare, for keeping with us, encouraging and understanding. Happy New Year to you All. Xx

    1. Happy New Year to you too, lovely Jacs, and thanks for still being here!

  21. Claire, your book has inspired me so much. I am on day 4 & have gotten more accomplished in the past 4 days than I have in the past 30 days. I am allergic to wine so I drank vodka. I decided to name my demon "the booze broad.

    Lastly, I have to tell you I found an $800 refund check from the hospital yesterday. I actually spent 45 minutes on the phone with gospital billing over a week ago checking on whether they could resend it & the clerk convinced me I didn't receive one. I beleived her & thought I must have just dreamed it in delirium. Happy Holidays!

    1. YAY! Huge congrats to you on DAY 4! Love the 'booze broad' - you show her who's boss! xxx

  22. Clare, sorry for mispelling your name.


  23. Hi everyone, I am fed up with alcohol now. I have tried a few times to go AF but failed.. I am going to stay with husbands family today for new year. Any tips on how to get through it (sounds awful I know) AF? Thank you for all your help. Clare, I bought your book and am rereading for the 3rd time. Happy New year to you all. X

    1. It has to come from within you. Clare and all the wonderful folk on here can support and advise but it is your decision to follow the AF path. I found that once you make that decision, it soon becomes an obsession and that gives you strength and determination.

      My personal view, choosing the New Year celebration when you are with lots of people drinking and probably encouraging you to join in is not the best time to start your journey. I would "get through" the next few days and then early in January, go for it! And it's a great time to start! you'll be among numerous others who are doing a dry January or the Christmas over indulgers who are "never going to touch another drop"...In February, you'll be able to leave those people behind as you'll have done the hardest bit...and that's when all the support and encouragement on here and in Clare's books really counts. Rooting for you....

    2. As said it does have to come from within you and you sound like you are at that point ... Well we can all promise you it only gets better (hard at times yes .. But better) .... Imagine yourself on New Year's Day at your in laws .. Chatting about what a good evening it was (no hangover, no trying to remember bits) You can always claim antibiotics as reason for not drinking .. Or claim a headache and retire early ... Whatever works for you. Go for it ... We are all behind you :-)
      Happy New Year!!

    3. Hello there
      If I were you I'd take it a day at a time and bargain with yourself.
      If I get through this I'll treat myself to a pedicure and/or a massage.
      I was in your shoes over a year ago but got through it. You have to really want this in order for it to work.
      One unexpected benefit of staying off the sauce is that once you get over the vulnerable stage, not drinking really annoys others, they tend to mistrust or seem threatened by a new sober but upbeat you!!
      The rebel in you will enjoy this new experiment!!
      Go for it, but go easy on yourself too.
      We're all only human, one step at a time

    4. That's great advice HPG! Watching the effects of alcohol on others can be very sobering but it does bring out the devil in you.....

    5. Hi! You can do this! There's loads of advice on this blog, but this post is a good place to start:
      Huge hugs and Happy New Year to you! xxx

  24. Thank you so much for your advice. It is good to know that you are all out there. Looking forward to January 2019. Thanks again.

  25. As wonderful as my Day 3 was, today, Day 5 feels like such a challenge. I even renamed my demon to Vodka Vixen because she is so sneaky and deceitful. I have to go out to pick up my regular medications and I am so afraid I will pick up some booze. I am debating going without my meds another day. God please help me today.

    1. Hang on in there .... All support vibes coming your way .... It does get easier and you will feel so much better and happier ... X

    2. The first few days really are a rollercoaster. Think of it like having a bout of flu - go to bed early, look after yourself and don't do anything you don't need to. You can do it! We're with you...

    3. Thank you both very much. I made it & today was a bit easier. Tx

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. I just finished reading your book and I want to cry! We are 2lead in a pod (except for the cancer which I am so glad you were blessed with recovery). Also, my daughter grown and knows mom as always having a drink in her hand. Now she is pregnant with our first grandchild. I don't want my grandchild to see me as drink grandma. Your story is so inspirational that I am ready to go through the obstacle course... Thank you for show ok my me i am not alone

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  29. Hi Clare. 26th December 2018 was my 50th birthday, so your post is very poignant for me. Having tried many times to quit over the last 4 years, I convinced myself last summer that I could drink ‘sensibly’ now. Over the last 6 months I’ve seen my drinking increase and increase again to ridiculous levels. So 2 days ago I took the decision to quit for good. I’ve been listening to your book on Audible non-stop and I now feel optimistic for the path I have chosen. I’m daunted by the challenge, but reading your blog and hearing about the experiences of others makes me believe that I can do it this time. Thank you.

  30. wow thats very nice post i really like it thanks for sharing and much appreciate your effort
    Christmas Love Quotes


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