
Saturday, 28 January 2017

The Power of Stories

I've been reading Patrick Ness's A Monster Calls, with tears dripping down my face and onto my Kindle (which needed a bit of a wash, frankly). Read it - it's wonderful.

There's a scene in the book where Conor says to the tree monster "Great, another story when there are more important things going on," and the monster replies "Stories are important. They can be more important than anything. If they carry the truth."

And the tree is right.

Stories - the stories of others, and writing my own story, changed my life.

At a time when I felt most at sea, isolated and in despair I found the stories of other women like me on the internet, and in books like Mrs D's and Caroline Knapp's, and realised that I was not alone, that there was a way out.

Writing my own story helped me to understand what was going on in my head, served as a reminder of where I'd been, lest I forget, and found me a whole tribe of wonderful supporters (thank you!).

Alcoholics Anonymous have always been aware of the power of stories. Each meeting starts with people sharing their own.

Stories teach through 'show' rather than 'tell'. Instead of being preached at, "you must do this", (and we drinkers are not very good at following rules or instructions, are we?) telling your story shows the listener what the possibilities are, what the future could be.

How you respond to that story, what you take from it and what you leave behind, is completely up to you.

The storyteller hands you a seed - it's your choice whether to plant it, pass it on or toss it away.

Reading those lines of Patrick Ness's this morning just made me want to say thank you. Thank you to all those bloggers, writers and storytellers out there who have the courage to stand up - literally or virtually - and tell their tale.

Because stories have the power to change the world.

To read my story from the beginning click here.

Now go write that happy ending to your own story. You are the author,  so you can make it whatever you want it to be....

Love SM x


  1. Thanks SM. Your story was a lifeline to me when I quit. I saw a future that sounded pretty good with making the change. Prior to that I really thought it would be misery. Your story and others gave me the rule book on how you do it, that what I felt was normal and there was a great future if I just kept going. I don't think I would have made it with out the light you shined ahead.

  2. There is an AA phrase attraction not promotion which is the same I guess. I need to work really hard on this philosophy, especially with my mum. I can see she is so finished with the evil booze and I want her to stop and feel as amazing as I do. And I want to convince her to stop. It is that simple but she has to come to the realisation herself. She is definitely dry-curious, we are all drinkers/alcoholics in our family. I need to bite my lip! She can see I have lost weight, and infinitely happier, and I'm coping with every aspect of my life better. I hope she works it out soon. Xxx

  3. Thank YOU, fabulous SM! You've been there for me sine the early days of me realising I needed to stop drinking, your blog has been instrumental in helping me to quit, and your comments and support, well I value every bit!!! Keep shining for us all behind you.. Red xx

  4. Ah, SM! Not only have you sober-watered and shone lovely sunshine on this little garden of followers, helping us to find new roots, flourish and bloom, but your own writing just keeps blossoming! This was a lovely piece.

  5. You made me smile....because for me, like you reading "A Monster Calls", your blog had tears rolling down my face when I first read it in the beginning of my sobriety. Your "story" helped me to create my own story. Thank you! xo

  6. So true, writing my own story has really helped me make sense of the chaos that was in my head. Stories are how we learn, connect and remember each other. xxx

  7. Your story of successful sobriety (gosh that's a mouthful!!) has inspired me to follow your path and today is day 70 for me, and I can't believe that, your blog has played a huge part in getting me there!! I now just need weight loss to feature in my story Because after losing 5lbs initially I've now stuck!! Xx

    1. Huge congrats on 70 days Ang! Awesome work! I only started consistently losing weight after around 100 days, so don't worry! Big hugs xxx

  8. Today I reached 5 months, I came upon the stories shared on Soberistas and then your blog quite early in my journey .... The generosity of people like yourself in sharing their story has the most unbelievable effect and I think this is as the tree says ... You tell the truth. I, and I am sure many like me are very grateful ....

  9. In the words of the Speakmans "No matter how long you have travelled in the wrong direction, you can ALWAYS turn around." ❤️

  10. And writing is so healing.
    When I reread my blog posts, I can see how I have made more changes than I think I have.
    I am not ashamed of my story, and I am so glad if it can help other people get sober.

  11. Just discovered your blog, joined Soberistas, and I'm on Day 3. This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done but I have got to. I'd like to write my story, but I am already juggling so many tasks and worries. Also, it is so painful! But you have inspired me. How's your weight and vitals nowadays, may I ask??

    1. I think you will find that any kind of a quick-jot journal will be a good thing as you move along. We really do forget so much and it's important to be able to see victory in what we overcome...and know progress is being made. Good luck to you!!

    2. Welcome yep, and huge congrats on taking the leap and doing 3 days - those are the hardest! I've lost 2 stone since I quit - slowly and surely. Back to my wedding weight now - under ten stone 😊

  12. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your raw, honest, real experiences. Whenever I need a boost to my commitment, I re-read your blog. Thank you!!!
