
Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Some Good News!

Two months ago I wrote a post titled The Possibility List (click here).

I'd spent a decade of digging myself further and deeper into a rut, but while I was drinking I didn't even realise I was in it.

Seven months of being sober had given me the energy, bravery and determination to try and change my life. I stopped digging, put down the shovel and looked up at the sky.

Suddenly the world seemed full of possibility.

So I dusted off the young adult novel that I'd written and, finally, found the courage to enter it for two unpublished novel awards

Then, four days later, I found The Lump (see my post: I Need Help).

The world I'd only just rediscovered came crashing down around my ears. I stopped looking ahead and went back to focusing on one day at a time. I hunkered down and closed the shutters.

The novel went back in the drawer.

Not only did I not have the time or the energy to focus on it, but I also lost faith that anything miraculous could happen. I'd had this momentary belief that my life was about to transform (in a good way), but I was wrong. I got cancer instead.

Then yesterday I got an e-mail. The novel that I'd forgotten about has made it onto the short list of one of the awards I'd entered. I'm in the final ten! The winner gets some cash and a publishing contract.

I'm certain that I won't win, but that's not the point. The point is this: perhaps I can write. Perhaps my life is about to transform. Perhaps I wasn't wrong.

Maybe the dolphin didn't lie. (See my post: Let Me Not Die While I'm Still Alive).

Only one problem. So far they've only read my first three chapters and a synopsis. They now want the rest of the book. Which needs formatting and editing. In between the radiotherapy.


Love to you all,

SM x


  1. Such wonderful news! Congratulations on getting a well-deserved boost for your writing and the hope of transformation besides. I hope you do win the award! xo

  2. That is great news. I can't wait to read your novel. You can be the next J.K. Rowling!

  3. that is brilliant! If I may give some unsolicited advice: Don't tell them about your cancer. When a publisher takes on a new author, it's for a long term commitment. Your disease was caught early and is probably cured, but it could weigh in on their willingness to commit to you. Likewise, tell them you want to write many more books and have plenty of ideas (I hope you do).
    Publishing is a hard and cold business.

    1. Thanks for the advice, Ulla! Will keep quiet xxx

  4. Awesome. You are so inspiring. I love reading your posts each day.

    I expect you will win and become famous and help many women struggling with too much wine...and entertain some young adults along the way.

    Yes, I love a happy birthday ending.

  5. Congratulations! And may I say, it isn't "...perhaps you can write." You do write! And most beautifully at that!

  6. Congratulations SM! Of course you will win! That's fantastic news xxx

  7. So exciting!!! And wonderful news! I know you can get it done!!!

  8. Of course you can win it! Not only are you a fantastic writer, you are an inspiration on soooooo many levels. You stopped me hitting the bottle tonight(I am crying writing this!).Thank you. So much.LNM x

    1. Are you okay darling LNM? Well done not letting the wine witch win! You're amazing xxx

  9. GREAT NEWS!! I am not surprised you have made it this far in the contest though. And I won't be surprised if you win!
    SM...with your words you reach people and change lives. You tell a story we want to keep ready
    Many of us share similar experiences with alcohol, sobriety, family, and even illness, but YOU have a precious gift...the ability to share your story in a way that inspires others, helps them grow, and lessens thier fears. You are fabulous. xx

    1. *reading ... oops. see why I am not the writer. lol

    2. You're so kind Jillt. I'm overwhelmed. Thank you xxx

  10. You are a wonderful writer!

  11. Great news! and of course you can write! Why do you think we are all here? :)

  12. You are a brilliant writer! I don't even drink and have never had a problem with drink (hate the stuff). I just like reading your blog!!

    1. Hi Suz! I love the idea of a non-addict follower. That's awesome! Thank you x

  13. I have had problems with depression, and 'fighting' that seems a lot like 'fighting' the 'wine witch'! ie. the tool kits have a lot of cross-over, eg self care, cbt, remembering the big picture, connection with others, recognizing when you're digging into that rut, realising how precious life is - I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I LOVE your writing. You've helped me a lot, even though my poison is hot chocolate :-) xx

    1. It is similar - depression and alcohol addiction go hand in hand... Nothing wrong with hot chocolate - it's medicinal ;-) xx

  14. They sure do - the one thing that has saved me is probably a complete lack of ethanol receptors ;-) I really hate the stuff - how lucky am I! Love your blog - just read the latest one - self care so needed in depression too. Happy Christmas xx
