
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Best Sober Blogs

Is it just me, or has it all gone spookily quiet in the sober blogging world?

I have about thirty blogs on my reading list and, at the moment, only about five of them are still posting regularly. I keep checking my inbox, and there's just tumbleweed.

Where have they all gone? I miss my friends. Have they fallen off the wagon? Are they just bored with blogging? Are they okay?

If you're out there Annie, BeSoberBea, Exploringsomethingelse, Hurrahfortea, Redrecovers, Timeandthebottle, Thirstystill - to name just a few - then please let us know how you're doing.

If you need help, and you're searching for the best sober blogs around, then two fabulous old hands are the Wine Bitch (Sober, Sassy Life) and Mrs D (her blog is here), who has just published her second book Mrs D is Going Within.

If you want to follow someone earlier on in the journey then my favourite bloggers who are still posting regularly (within the last two or three weeks) are:

Giving Up Drugs and Alcohol, Hurrah for Coffee, Done With My Wine Habit, Groundhog Girl and So This is Sober. You can also read my story from the beginning, starting here.

(I've added all the links, so all you have to do is click on any of those names and you'll be transported, just like Dr Who in the Tardis, straight to their worlds).

If you've discovered a brilliant, new and active blog then please post us the link, and if you've started your own then don't be shy - tell us about it and give us your address so we can pop by.

So please use the comments section below to SHARE, RECOMMEND and LINK.

In these days of encroaching summer, with all its buckets of Pimms and Rose, we sober people have to stick together.

Love to you all,

SM x


  1. Yes, please let us know how you're doing - all of you!

  2. I'm blogging ! Been sober 445 days today ... blog is at ... ��

    1. Wow that's fab!!! I will be 200 days next week!! So important to keep counting!!!! Xx

  3. Hi SM

    I don't seem to have clicked with any other sober bloggers. Your blog was my life line when I started being sober last November. And once I was upto date with it I felt lost not having anything to read, felt like that for a while then I suppose now my sober life is now very busy and I haven't much time to read!!! Love your posts though and I always try to comment. Currently sat by a pool in Majorca, my first sober beach holiday and it's like a whole new world, lots of fresh fruit and sparkling water and exercise!! When normally it's as much booze I can fit in accompanied with unhealthy pig out food! Times have changed for me and I feel amazing.

    I wish I had blogged my journey from the start, I would love to read back on how I felt at the beginning and how far I have come.

    Thanks SM again for your blog as I know I wouldn't be where I am today without it xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. I agree, SM. Lots of the blogs I follow have gone very quiet. Hopefully this is because as Ang75 says, they're busy leading sober lives. I've just had a blip after not blogging and realise how helpful it is to stay connected. It's not brilliant, but it's mine and if anyone wants to support me as I start again then that'd be great. Reading blogs like yours are invaluable help.

    1. What's your blog called? Xx

    2. When you click on MNW's name, just above, you'll get there🤗

    3. Thanks '96. It's not quite as profound or funny as some, but it's my little way to help myself stay accountable. x

  5. I've noticed this too. I have stopped blogging myself, I am still reading my regular blogs though.

  6. Please keep your blog going, SM! I'm new to reading blogs about drinking, in fact, reading blogs full stop. Keeping up with The Guardian, the New York Times and the Washington Post ( the latter two I subscribe to now as my bit to support the endangered free press in these horrible times). The only other one I read is David at Raptitude, and since lunch time today Sober, Sassy Life. Thanks for your tips, SM.
    We do need each other, or, at least I need you.
    This quiet on most fronts is probably just summer weather, if the bloggers are experiencing that. I find it comforting to be part of a community, so Please keep blogging.

  7. Ahh thanks for the plug SoberMummy that is very kind of you, ever the generous cheerleader. Funnily enough just last night I did a roam around some of my old favourites and wondered whether that period between you starting your blog and about 6 months ago was just a lucky blip for me and that I felt a little sad for those starting out now as there aren't as many blogs on the go. The blogs you mention are excellent and are all posting good quality stuff but sometimes it's the volume of blogs you read that help you make it through the night, not just the quality. I am guilty of living the sober dream and having fun rather than blogging.
    One of the reasons I came here tonight was to say how lucky you are to have had such an excellent oncologist, I am watching open mouthed the story about the charlatan who RUINED so many breast cancer sufferers lives. Not sure if you have seen/heard it but I can only imagine your story with the worst ending imaginable had you seen this devil of a man. I am pleased for you to have had such a brilliant recovery and to have helped so many other sufferers by blogging through it and about it. Makes me see things in perspective though, all the good in the world balancing all the bad.
    Keep up your good work SM.

  8. I don't read many other blogs, SM is the best!

    Today is 3 months sober for me, and I was sitting down thinking about what has changed. I've lost weight. Not much but there is a slow change in how I feel and look ( I'm not weighing myself ). I sleep well. I went for a run yesterday - the first time in years, and I'm feeling a lot fitter. I have more money, at least I would if I hadn't spent it all on frivolous luxuries! ( actually a MIDI keyboard and music software. OK the Corona chair was a luxury :) ) Am I the only one who counts in wine-weeks? The music stuff I’ve paid for, but the chair will cost me another 12 wine weeks so I’ll have it paid for by September ☺

    I still have moments when I feel I’m missing out. The wine witch shows me images of people all celebrating and clinking glasses. But for every one of those images I’ve got a couple of hundred images of me slumped alone in front of a computer screen with an empty bottle at night. I like who I am now better.

    Next stop 100 days! Thanks SM for the blog, it really helped and I still go back and re-read your earlier posts. Good luck to all on the journey ☺



    1. Wine weeks currency!! Fab idea :-)

    2. How you feel is the best gauge.
      My husband and I estimated we save $35,000 a year not drinking. It pays for a lot of concerts!

    3. How you feel, and your waist measurement ( especially for guys ) is a much better gauge for weight loss. Also, watching the scales gets a bit obsessive IMO.

      $35k is a big saving, you must really notice it!

  9. I try to flow as many blogs as I can. Many have disappeared recently.
    I also try to write occasionally just to keep in touch with others.
    I wish I had blogged from the start, but I have written quite a bit over my 3 1/2 years of sobriety.


    ainsobriety | Trying to ace sober living

  10. Thanks for the shout out! xxx

  11. Yes, I have felt a loss when I've 'gotten to know' someone throught their blog....and then it goes silent or disappears. And, I worry.

    Of course, this blogging effort takes a lot of time (and....effort!), so it's understandable if other bits of life get in the way. But oh - how useful and important it us to read someone else's feelings and account....and know: you are not alone!

    So dont you even think about abandoning us, SM! (Please, she said, nicely😉)

  12. I have never written a blog and didn't read any, until finding yours SM at about day 7. I am now 9 months sober and loving it :-) Your generosity in keeping encouraging us all at whatever stage of our journey is just magic ... I also enjoy the comments and feel very much part of a community with support and humour and feeling ... Thank you all for blogging and commenting :-)) Happy June ... The ice clinks just as well in lime and soda as Pimms .. Cheers ...

  13. What a true and fantastic post. It has gotten very quiet around here. But hope to change that soon. Keeping my eyes peeled for some new blogs too. Its so wonderful to connect with someone without the need to even leave your comfort bubble

  14. I agree SM and mention the fact that so many of my favorite bloggers are quiet lately in my last post. My blog is here if anyone is interested. It is not as fun and insightful as yours but I do try to post monthly.

  15. It's been amazing to realise how much i connect with these blogs but the flip side is how much I miss the authors and worry about them when they disappear, hope they are all doing well

  16. In addition to your fabulous blog, I would also like to recommend ainsobirety and also Tipsynomore. They have both helped me a lot in my sober journey!

  17. Hear, hear! Two more excellent 'voices'.

    1. This was supposed to be an echo for Sober at 53’s comment...😉

  18. I've been reading blogs since November of 2015, starting with Mummy was a secret drinker. Then I learned of Tipsynomore, Ainsobirety, Belle's site, Wine Bitch, Putting Down The Glass, Groundhog Girl and all of you other brave bloggers (too many to mention all) and I think of you all as cheerleaders, with Mummy was a secret drinker at the head leader(no offense to anyone, it's just her blog was my first to visit and she's what inspired me to pursue the soberverse). I'm in the stands, cheering you all on, wanting to join the group, but too chicken to do so, but that aside, I respect those that stop, for whatever reasons, because what they have shared is precious! Kudos to you all!

    1. Maybe your day will come. It truly is an awakening.

    2. Thank you Anne, I do want it.

  19. Nice post, I've noticed it quiet too! I try and blog once or twice a month but sometime struggle with what to say! I guess a hello, I'm here! Is good enough. Xx

  20. Dearest SM - I dread to think what could have happened to me if I hadn't found your blog and along with it the strength to stop drinking. I cannot thank you enough for that and so wish you every happiness and success in your life because you so deserve it (delighted to hear you had a clear scan the other day). I still thoroughly enjoy reading your blog - you are an extremely talented writer. I feel slightly bad that I don't get round to commenting more but rest assured I am following every word. Never managed to do the blogging thing myself - but find it therapeutic to make comments here from time to time. Love reading the rest of your comments above too - such a lovely warm supportive community to be part of. To anyone in the early days - keep going - I promise it gets easier and easier and life just gets better and better without alcohol. Happy sober weekend lovely SM and all your lovely readers xx

  21. I also think its quiet. Thank you for mentioning me, I'm honoured:) I'm so amazed that you actually read my stuff, you are my blogging

  22. I've just seen that I can pre-order your book already on Amazon, this is so exciting!!!

  23. Thanks for the shout-out SM. Hoping you and your family are safe and well after last night. Thinking of Ol' Blighty at the moment.xxxx


    Great article about exercise and sobriety

    1. Good article, thanks for sharing. I was starting to think this was another guy with a barrow to push, but he said this:

      I don’t want to suggest that running is inherently a better approach than others, such as AA. But 18 years down the road, it’s played a leading role in my life, and for whatever reasons (perhaps divine grace), I never relapsed. When it comes to sobriety, I’m a believer that we all must forge our own paths. For some, perhaps for many, running is just one of several tools. Plenty of runner friends in recovery whom I admire and respect swear by the 12-step approach.

      There's no one right way IMO. I like running, but that's just me. Others find their own way. But, yeah, there's a lot of evidence that exercise ( not just running ) is good medicine :)



  25. It seems to be picking up again - maybe the spring in US and Europe makes everyone get out of the house?
    It is winter here so we are the opposite :)
    Love to everyone
    Michelle xx

  26. Unfortunately I don't know such blogs, it seems to be not so popular blogging topic. I hope all your friends from your reading list will start blogging again. Regards, Job Searching Mom

  27. Hey SM, hope your ok with everything that has been happening over your side of the pond it must be just heartbreaking. Sending heaps of good vibes and thinking of you and your tribe x

  28. Hello SM, I have been a long-time sober blog lurker, and have been a fan of yours for a while <3. I still haven't caught all the way up with your archives, and may have unconsciously decided to slow it down a bit since I noticed only weekly posts now. Purely selfish, because I don't want your wonderful advice and humor to end and I want to savor your blog posts lasting as long as I can.

    Truly, I have been in need of advice for the Early Days, and have revisited your early posts along with other insightful early posts from other fantastic bloggers on here. A sincere Thank You to you all! ((hugs))

    But yes, it's been quiet, and I've begun to wonder if I've missed the sober blog boat. There is so much good material from early 2016 and before, but I haven't found a whole lot of Newbies posting about the present. I would love suggestions... And also (with butterflies in my stomach), I decided to jump off the ledge and put myself out there as my raw, fragile, baby, newbie, sober mom self trying to navigate this newly sober reality. I'm on Day 7!!!!

    (I've been here before, but I really want this one to stick), so here is my blog to keep me from renegotiating this deal with myself.

    Thank you so much for all your unknown laughter, tears, and support you've given me over the last 6 months since I've discovered your blog. And a big Congrats on your upcoming book, Woot!


    1. Well done! I have to restart my sober journey - you know how it is - so I want to add your blog to my feedly. Could you please make an rrs or rss-feed (I forget which?). It's not too complicated in wordpress as far as I remember.

    2. Thanks Ulla, and good luck to you - new beginnings (again and again) can be hard but also very exciting. I'm trying to keep mine more positive rather than full of shame (maybe that can help).

      I will look into the RSS feed, great idea, but bare with me while I figure this blogging thing out.

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