
Wednesday, 1 March 2017


I'm so sorry I've not been posting much recently. I'm in the middle of writing the book, and I've got to the part of the story where I'm right in the middle of all the cancer treatment.

I've managed, fairly successfully, to push the whole cancer thing to the back of my mind for the last few months, so I'm finding having the re-live the whole experience in detail extremely hard.

As a result, I'm writing as much as I can, as quickly as I can, so I can get out the other side.

I'm sure that once I'm able to type THE END, I'll decide that it was all immensely cathartic. But right now it's pretty awful.

Normal service will be resumed soon....

Love SM x


  1. We encounter all kinds of ways of realizing what a true thing PTSD is, right SM? Strength to're awesome and that book sure will be!

  2. Virtual hugs .... Power to your elbow and as much support as myself and I am quite sure many others, can be sending you over the airways.

  3. Thinking of you, and in any case for me quality wins over quantity.

  4. It will be difficult. No doubt you pushed a lot of how you were feeling to one side so you could be there for your family. To allow yourself to acknowledge those thoughts and feelings must be very emotional and difficult to remember. I guess putting it out there also makes it very "real" too, if you know what I mean. You were also just getting out of the other side of an addiction problem. I'm not sure I could have been so strong. Sending much love and hugs your way xxx

  5. Totally understandable. Cannot wait to read it when published. Go you good thing! Big hug 🤗 xx

  6. Hugs and Love.
    You are such a gift to the sober world!

  7. Take care. Remember, sobriety is a precious gift. It needs nurturing.
    Make sure you appreciate yourself as you relive some of these hard days.

  8. Virtual hugs.....i always remember the post where surgeon told you to go home and have a stiff drink...many would are a true gentle with yourself..xx

  9. Don't apologise!!!!!!!

    It's a testing time for you I can imagine but your a fighter and a survivor! And my inspiration!!!!

    Sending lots of big hugs and can't wait for the book!! :-) xx

  10. Look after yourself SM. We'll all be here for you. Hugs and love xxx

  11. Miss you, but what you are doing is more important at this time. Be kind to yourself.

  12. Sooo looking forward to the book. You have impacted so many of us! I hope it is a resounding success!!!

  13. I find as the years pass - now nearly 6 since my kidney cancer surgery - the anxiety lessens. There is always scan-anxiety though - and the humbling knowledge that we don't know what secrets our bodies are hiding. Writing it out helps so much.

  14. Don't apologise! We love reading when you do write x
