
Saturday, 10 December 2016

Christmas has Arrived!

Christmas has arrived in the SM house.

I picked the children up from school yesterday and we went shopping for a Christmas tree. We found a gorgeous one which was then wrapped in netting so we could transport it home.

At this point #2, who was helpfully trying to carry said tree, got the netting all tangled up in his school blazer buttons and was inextricably attached to a large Norwegian spruce.

A couple of hours later and our kitchen was festooned with fairy lights, lovely tree in the corner, fire lit and the children were playing carols on various musical instruments.

I was drinking Marks and Spencer's alcohol free mulled wine (as recommended by RedRecovers)

Mr SM was sulking slightly as he realised that the presents under the tree were labelled 'with love from Mummy (and Daddy)'. I've never seen such a huff over a couple of parentheses.

I looked around thinking this is all really Hygge. It almost looks like good parenting.

What a difference from last year, when I was in the middle of radiotherapy for breast cancer, and the year before when I was ricocheting from drunk to hungover and back again, only briefly passing through a state which could be described as 'normal and happy'.

And today we are all trooping into Covent Garden for lunch followed by the new musical: School of Rock. Then I have a babysitter booked to look after the children in the evening as some old friends of ours are having a big Christmas Housewarming near Oxford.

How is that possible? I hear you ask. Surely Oxford is at least 90 minutes up the motorway from London?

And it is, my friends. But here's the thing: I can drive! Because I don't drink. So we can go to the party, stay three hours, drive home and still be in bed by 1am. Result.

When I was coming up to my first sober Christmas it felt like too huge a hurdle to handle. But now I realise that Christmas is a truly awesome time of year, and being properly present in every moment is just amazing.

A sober Christmas is calmer, happier, more organised and generally more....Christmassy.

Merry, merry Christmas to you all,

SM x


  1. Lovely post SM! It made me smile! But, more importantly, it made me more grateful for my 1st sober Christmas..and I am struggling with the non drinking! But, you made is sound beautiful. Thank you! Just what I needed and enjoy tonight and the beauty and magic of the season...sober! xo

    1. Sorry to hear you are struggling. But SO happy to know that you are hanging in...and winning, day by day.

  2. Enjoy your night and the bliss of driving home sober. I find that is one of my new favorite sober perks.

  3. Mmmm, not so sure about the driving. I've had to come back up to London tonight as am flying out for a couple of quick meetings tomorrow. Was going a tad fast on the M4 when I got some flashing blue lights in my mirror and then alongside comes an unmarked Audi with a nice man signalling me to slow down. He didn't pull me over but it gave me something of a shock!! Hey ho!! Hope you have a safe drive to Oxford. Sober flying for me tomorrow!!


    1. Yikes!! You're such a rebel, Justonemore... ! Safe flying. Red xx

  4. Wow - SM - sounds lovely. And am so glad to be of service in recommending the M&S stuff, hope you enjoyed. I'm sampling so many ruddy AF drinks at the mo, I'm going to start a side-blog ;-) I love the point about being able to drive. It's truly opened up new worlds of possibility to me. Enjoy the rest of your festive build-up. Red xx

  5. In the last too days I have negotiated my birthday (sober) and the work Christmas party !! I've thoroughly enjoyed each event too. I must admit I had a little craving for a wine on the evening of my birthday, but it was just mild and quickly passed... last night at the work Christmas party I drove so wasn't even tempted, but I was one of the first up dancing and stayed up dancing! ! I had a great sober Xmas party ! This morning we are off to visit Santa with the kids and I'm so pleased I won't be hung over for it !

  6. Sounds lovely SM, I too had my first sober family Christmas tree shopping and setting up was so much less stressed than past years,...I am truly looking forward to a sober festive season...and there are so many more options to see people and do things,,,,no fomo, once you take alcohol out of the equation, because I can drive everywhere....get home when I want to....

  7. I'm just reaching 60 days and now approaching my first sober Xmas for 33 years. Your post gives me hope x

    1. Oh my, oh my!!! You do bring tears to my eyes (ok, i've been on a family illness sojurn and am easily wept...) but, truly....?

      Strength to you for 61...and 62..... wondrous, isn't it? Hang in!

  8. Hey there - sounds lovely. I am also looking forward to and enjoying the preparations for a sober Christmas. Not too concerned I'll slip up at Xmas but I fear new year may pose a bit of a challenge. I know I will not under any circumstances go through that obstacle course again - but I'm afraid I'm not openly forever sober with any of my friends yet so I worry slightly about pressure I may be under and excuses I'll have to make at new year time. Also it was same time same place last year when I had my major blip - even after managing a sober Christmas. Anyway I'm still feeling amazing (over 11 mths sober under my belt) , and I'm feeling strong - many many thanks to you dear friend. You deserve all your gorgeous Christmas hygge - enjoy. Xxx

    1. Wishing you strength. I signed on, from US, to brit concept dry january on a (knew I needed) impulse. Out of the blue. Reading the internet news, New Years Day morning. Just short of 2d anniversary, widowhood. Thought: that sounds 'brilliant!' (Ok, i didnt think 'brilliant -just love how you guys use it) - and signed up. Boom! Done and done. Well, thats the short fersion, of course, but I'm hoping it fuels your determination to sail through Jan 1..... flying a FFS flag!!

    2. Wow SFM you are nearly at 12 months and that's amazing!!! I would love to be so far along (day 22 for me). I would promise myself a present at 12 months to mark the achievement and to focus on, you can so do this!!! Xxx

    3. Reply below - that meant to go in here x

  9. Lovely post SM. Really looking forward to my sober xmas away this year first one in my adult life and am 51! It was christmas when i fell off the wagon last year after 3 months so everyone beware the festive wine witch. Make sure you have AF drinks in and take them with you to parties. This year I will be 8 months sober by xmas. Can't believe it!!

  10. I live this post!! It's so true, this will be my first sober Xmas in a long time apart from being pregnant in 2006 and 2009. And so far I am loving it!! Yesterday I went to manchester Xmas markets, we normally get the rain with friends and get so drunk I can't remember the train ride home!!! ( cringe!) but yesterday I drove, we took the kids, we were there from 10 am til 4 and I loved it, we actually walked round all the stalls, drank got chocolate, ate waffles, and ice skated!! It was as though I had never been there before even though I've been going for the past 5 years and just drinking my way through it!!! I feel amazing, emotional, so happy and so so so so Christmassy!!!!!! Thanks again sm, your a total inspiration! Xxxxx

  11. Good for you SM, be careful driving late at night - yes you're sober - and that's awesome - but some folks out there at that time of night aren't!

  12. Happy Holidays, SM! I too am looking forward to my 2nd sober xmas. My tree is also up (wrestled out of attic, stacked, fluffed, plugged in-- voila, xmas!!) You have a festive time my dear!

  13. Awww thanks for the encouragement you guys. I will so do it. And gosh yes - I will buy that present. Good luck to you too xxx

  14. Merry Christmas-time everyone! Worlds apart but together in spirit xoxoxo

    I have been just gluttonous with ribbon and baking and holiday cheer. No way I'm giving up sugar until the first of the year hehehe :)

  15. I am navigating through various christmas functions with great success. Hitting 100 days on Thursday. Sick with a cold, and can take cold medication since I am not drinking in the evenings. I used to medicate with wine. Meeting sisters in Toronto for lunch tomorrow, they will have wine, I will not. My new normal. Tried the mulled not-wine from Ikea, it was pretty sweet. Sticking with Italian soda... Merry Yule!
