
Thursday, 1 September 2016

Timing Makes the Hero

I get many e-mails from readers who have been thinking about quitting drinking for a while, but haven't yet taken the plunge. They're waiting, they say, until after a big party, or a summer holiday, Christmas, or a particularly stressful period at work.

I get it. I prevaricated masterfully - for weeks, months, years even - before finally taking the plunge. (And then finally taking the plunge a second time!).

The truth is, it never feels like the right time. Much like having a baby. You never feel mature enough, sufficiently well off, at the 'right' point in your career. One day you just have to grit your teeth and.... jump.

There are always (we hope) going to be parties and holidays and stressful periods. That's the beauty of life. And one day, before too long, you'll find that all those things are better without the booze.

It will be very hard for a few weeks, and fairly hard for a few months, but what's a few months compared to the rest of your life?

(You don't let nine months of getting fatter and fatter, feeling sick and tired, being kicked from the inside and not drinking stop you having a baby, do you?)

But, having said all that, there is one particular time of year that I think is especially good for quitting.

It's not January. Too obvious. Every man and his dog is quitting booze in January, and we've never been ones to run with the pack, have we?

And January is a miserable month. It's cold and grey (unless you're reading this in Australia, obvs), you're broke and there's nothing to look forward to.

No, the very best time to stop drinking is: SEPTEMBER!

Lovely, lovely September. All newly polished school shoes, sharpened pencils and anticipation. The languid last gasp of summer.

It's a perfect time for a fresh start. And there are still more than three months until Christmas, so by the time you get there you'll have the hardest bit - the first 100 days - under your belt.

So, be a hero. Take the plunge. There'll never be a better time than today.

You are not alone. There are millions of people just like you, out here in the Soberverse.

To start with, check out my pages on Reasons to Quit Drinking and Advice for Newbies.

You can do it.

Love SM x


  1. I so agree! I teach and always consider myself to have two 'new years' in January AND September, to work on the big things in life. In fact my working life is broken down into nice six week chunks so I plan some life improvers for each of those xx

  2. Vive La Rentrée! The getting back to normal after a couple of months of holidays and general laziness.

  3. Lovely. Signed up for Sober September, so this came at a wonderful time. Love the blog

    1. Welcome, Mrs S, and congratulations! Please stay in touch x

  4. Great post, great advice as usual. Your two links you mention above were invaluable for me starting out.

  5. Agree with all the above. Day five. Support is crucial. I'm doing it with the support of the sobersphere. Please join in.

  6. Agree with all the above. Day five. Support is crucial. I'm doing it with the support of the sobersphere. Please join in.

    1. Well done mynewway! And huge congrats on day 5! You've done the hardest bit already x

  7. I'm here in bed munching on a piece of 85% dark chocolate (other percentages are available) thinking over the paradox presented by having sober fun vice getting wasted night after night. I am two weeks into my holiday and before now, I would have been drunk every night. Every other morning (just about), I have run 3-4 miles before breakfast. I'm down more than 12KG and none of my clothes fit - you could get the dog in my jeans with me - not quite, she has a 17ins waist but there is space. Yet I still feel a physical yearning when I drive past the local pub but the paradox is that the logical me doesn't want to drink. Is this some echo that will haunt me for awhile yet? I don't plan to drink in September so I'm with the rest of you strivers for sobriety and thanks to SM for her patient guidance 9it will be 8 months on Saturday). I might need a bit of patience myself tomorrow as we're taking the nephews kayaking!!! When does school start?


    1. One of the things I've loved discovering is how 'the logical me' actually gets a say...and can hold sway!! Yeah, there still is temptation...but to dscover that day-by-day and month-by-month change and perseverance actually totes up and starts some switched thinking in our brains.....well, that is just too terrific, I think!

    2. 12kg!?! Awesome! And 8 months! You rock, girlfriend. Kayaking is a fab sober activity - it's almost impossible to kayak while holding a glass of wine (I know, I've tried) xxx

  8. Yes.....I am so ready to start finding my new and better Self! Thank you SM for all your encouragement and Support!

  9. I loved this. You're so right, the plunge itself is half the battle. And what a wonderful Christmas gift to one's self!! xoxo

  10. I loved this. You're so right, the plunge itself is half the battle. And what a wonderful Christmas gift to one's self!! xoxo

  11. Hi am still lurking..I will be sober for September the 26th will mark six months AF...thanks to SM...and Kevin O'Hara ...and a little bit of effort on my part.....for those starting out..hang in there it is so worth my sober life....Thanks again SM
