
Sunday, 14 August 2016

Vive La Revolution!

Regular readers will know that, as part of my bid to change the world, I decided to try to publish a book based on my blog.

I put together a proposal (with your help), and a few weeks ago I sent it to five literary agents.

Within a few days I'd received my first rejection.

As these things go, it was a really nice one.

The agent said that she understood the issue (and made the point that the publishing industry is awash with wine), and that she was sure there was a market for this book. But she went on to say that it was not for her, and wished me luck.

I berated myself for my ill placed optimism. Why on earth would anyone be interested in the ramblings of a middle aged lush?

I heard nothing at all from the remaining four agents and decided to forget it all and move on.

Then, yesterday, a text pinged onto my mobile.

It read: Hi SM. I love your book. Have you found an agent yet?

And so, when I get back from Cornwall, I'm meeting one of London's top literary agents. How awesome is that?!?

But now I have two big concerns:

1. If this does all come off, how on earth am I going to explain it all to family and friends?

2. What am I going to wear?

Love to you all,

SM x


  1. So many congratulations SM! How totally exciting - thrilled for you! I would concern yourself much more with what to wear lol! All the new collections are arriving and this is an excellent excuse to shop! You need to get rid of these feelings that worry about what your friends and family will think. There's no shame in having a bad wine habit - it happens to the best of us - and there is a lot of pride to be had in overcoming it. To say nothing of your wonderful blog, how much you've helped all of us and managing to do all this and write a book throughout a very tough year. This is a wonderful event - they will all be very proud and any who aren't do not belong in your world. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and buy all the September glossy mags to plan your new look! xxxxx

  2. So exciting.....I plan to give it to my daughters to read...I am not telling them never to drink...but to be aware of how easy it is for it to overtake your life.....I am sure it will be an inspiring and uplifting read...true friends and worthwhile relatives will be we are...

  3. Great news, well done and best of luck. Thoroughly deserved as your writing is excellent.

  4. Yeah! You go girl! Exciting times. This will keep you on the sober bus too and you must wear something that shows off your af weight loss and you will be a shining example of how good af life is xxxxx

  5. And make sure we have plenty of warning for your book launch so we can plan our outfits :-D

  6. Congrats! This is so exciting. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. Either way, how many people get to meet with a literary agent? That in itself is cause for celebration!

  7. Congratulations! Your blog has helped me in so many ways that I can not wait to read your book. I can understand your worrying about telling the world because of all the "Judgie" people out there but the people who really know and love you will be so proud of you and that's all that matters.

  8. So thrilled for you! Your writing has entertained and connected me in so many positive ways. It always bolsters my resolve that the choice to give up drinking (10 months today) is the way to live life, finally. I look forward to hearing about your adventures in publishing.

  9. I suspect you are not really asking, byt here goes anyway: 2)Wear something business like. 1) You could publish under an assumed name, I guess, but that would be very bad for publicity. The publishers probably wouldn't go for it. They want someone available for interviews. If you break through, you are going to be wanted for foto sessions in your home, with the family, to go with the stories. It will be up you to draw the line, obviously, but better not tell agent or publisher that beforehand.
    And also: Get your business acumen together. They are going to try to screw you, the agent and publisher both. That's fine if you don't really care for the money and just want to help people, but if not ...

  10. Amazing news, my friend, not only for you but for the millions that have yet to meet you. Viva la Sober Mummy!

  11. Fantastic news! So delighted for you SM :) xx

  12. That's great news SM! So exciting - I'm booking my flight fr your book launch!

  13. Heeeeee!!! So awesome, congratulations!! Whatever you wear will be amazing, I'm sure. And why not throw a party for friends and family and unveil La Revolution! Any excuse for a party :)


  14. Book launch sounds like a great reason to cross the pond for me! I recommend you do a private launch by inviting those who want to come from the blogging world. Privacy extraordinaire of course but wouldn't that be a hoot?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Congratulations! That's super news, and very well deserved! xo

  17. Congrats!! What do you tell your family and friends? Tell them you've been on a crazy but wonderful journey of self-discovery, healing and growth and this book is the next stop on that journey and that you hope they can come along for the ride. If there are those who can't or won't support you,let them go with love. What to wear? Don't know, but have fun shopping!

  18. Fantastic news! I'm so very excited for you and fgs don't worry about anything other than getting published. People need to know that stopping drinking is most definitely worth doing. It's such a positive message - get out there and spread the love SM! PS wear navy blue.

  19. OMG! Sm!! Do you know how phenomenal it is to 'hit it out of the park right off'!!? (Stateside baseball metaphor. Translation: totally exceptional!)

    WE all know what a funny and good writer you are, the humorous twist you can wring from the really serious - and now, just maybe a whole lot of other folk will soon have a chance to discover it.

    So very very happy for you!

    1. Oh - and forget abt what to wear. We've got to start thinking abt who will play you in the movie!!

  20. Go SM! You deserve this so much. I bet this euphoria is better than anything wine gave you!

  21. Brilliant news!! Can't wait for the book already x

  22. Well done, you so deserve this. Your blogs are inspirational for many people!

  23. Well done- you deserve it - you've put so much into this blog and now its time to get some stuff back and wider recognition for you :)

  24. How exciting and well overdue! I know it will go on my bookshelf. Am thrilled for you, grab the opportunity with both fists. Thoroughly deserved for all your hard work. X

  25. SM, congrats - I want to get my copy autographed - To Eeyore, from Sober Mummy - how awesome would that inscription be.

    What to tell friends and family - tell them what you've told us - that you're helping the world become a better place by helping those change attitudes about alcohol in society. Making abs the new cool.

    Sound too far fetched - 50 years ago smoking was cool - now not nearly so much - you can further the cause by sharing your insights journey.

    Congrats again,
    Eeyore - former attempted moderator - now a happy abstainer

  26. I'm really excited for you. Don't give up. I'm about to embark on a similar journey. I've been going on for years try to make this thing work. But I think I finally, blogging, create a platform for myself to make something will happen. I hope one of those letters, or emails, comes back with interest! I really do
