
Friday, 31 July 2015

SoberMummy Out of Office Notification

My Dear Readers,

I am now en route to Cornwall. I'll be there for three weeks. Without Wifi. Yikes! How primitive is that?

I will try to post whenever I can. Apart from anything else, I have become rather addicted to posting (can you see a pattern emerging here?).

But, please forgive the radio silence if you don't hear anything for a while.

If you'd like to receive all my posts by e-mail so you don't miss anything then just visit the main site (not the mobile one) and add your address in the 'subscribe by e-mail' box in the top right of the page.

I'll miss you!

Love SM x


  1. Have a great holiday! Stay calm and stay sober xxx

  2. Have a fantastic holiday SM! Your blog has helped me no end, I am currently on day 1 today (again!) Hopefully will be day 21 when you get back from your hols! Have fun!


  3. Have a great holiday SM. We'll miss u too xx

  4. Enjoy your Cornwall SM - and thankyou again for your posts, I wouldn't have made 4 weeks tomorrow without 'em! Xx
